Collaborations and commisions


Wisdom of the Stars


 “Wisdom of the Stars” was commissioned by Sky Diamond, a company, based in the U.K. whose

innovation draws inspiration from nature itself. This painting captures the essence of

creation, with the owl symbolizing wisdom and the power to transform the elements of

the universe into something beautiful and everlasting.

Just as the owl watches over the stars, Sky Diamond’s process pulls carbon from the

atmosphere, using the sun, wind, and rain and modern-day alchemy to craft it’s


Through a harmonious blend of nature and cutting-edge technology, Sky Diamond’s

diamonds are more than stones; they are a testament to innovation and balance, much

like the celestial wisdom embodied by this piece.

At the heart of this painting is the owl, a symbol of creation and wisdom, she is encircled

by a sun-like halo, representing the solar energy that powers Sky Diamond’s innovative


Smokestacks rising from the owl’s wings signifies the Industrial Revolution and

humanity’s contribution to pollution, which Sky Diamond counteracts by capturing CO₂

and transforming it into diamonds.

The owl’s tears, carefully collected by hands below, mirror the rainwater harvested in

Sky Diamond’s diamond creation process.

Flames emanating from the hand’s fingertips speak to the power of transformation and


Laboratory test tubes sprout new life reflect the delicate alchemy in Sky Diamond’s

process, where CO₂ and hydrogen are turned into diamonds.

The wind turbines in the landscape connect directly to Sky Diamond’s renewable energy


A key and heart-shaped locket serve as metaphors for unlocking the potential of

nature’s elements, transforming excess carbon into beauty and light.

This piece is a tribute to both nature’s wisdom and humanity’s potential to harmonize

with it, transforming excess into beauty, just as Sky Diamond does with their carbon-

negative diamonds.